News - The Application Theory Foundation of D-Dimer

The Application Theory Foundation of D-Dimer

Author: Succeeder    

1. The increase in D-Dimer represents the activation of the coagulation and fibrinolysis systems in the body, which exhibits a high conversion state.
D-Dimer is negative and can be used for thrombus exclusion (the most core clinical value); A positive D-Dimer cannot prove the formation of a thromboembolus, and the specific determination of whether a thromboembolus is formed still needs to be based on the equilibrium state of these two systems.
2. The half-life of D-Dimer is 7-8 hours and can be detected 2 hours after thrombosis. This feature can be well matched with clinical practice and will not be difficult to detect due to a short half-life, nor will it lose its monitoring significance due to a long half-life.
3. D-Dimer can remain stable for at least 24-48 hours in detached blood samples, allowing the in vitro detection of D-Dimer content to accurately reflect the level of D-Dimer in the body.
4. The methodology of D-Dimer is based on antigen antibody reactions, but the specific methodology is diverse and inconsistent. The antibodies in the reagents are diverse, and the detected antigen fragments are inconsistent. When selecting a brand in the laboratory, it is necessary to distinguish.