Semi Automated Coagulation Analyzer SF-400

Author: Succeeder    

SF-400 Semi automated coagulation analyzer is suitable for detection of blood coagulation factor in medical care, scientific research and education institutions.

It bears the functions of reagent pre-heating, magnetic stirring, automatic print, temperature accumulation, timing indication, etc.

The testing principle of this instrument is to detect the fluctuation amplitude of the steel beads in the testing slots through magnetic sensors, and to get the testing result by computing. With this method, the test will not be interfered by the viscosity of the original plasma, hemolysis, chylemia or icterus.

Artificial errors are reduced with the use of electronic linkage sample application device so that high accuracy and repeatability guaranteed.

SF-400 (2)

Application: Used for measuring prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen (FIB) index, thrombin time (TT).

Clotting factor including factor Ⅱ, Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅹ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, Ⅺ, Ⅻ,HEPARIN,LMWH, ProC, ProS

 SF-400 (6)



1. Inductive dual magnetic circuit method of clotting.

2. 4 testing channels with high-speed testing.

3. Totally 16 Incubation channels.

4. 4 timers with countdown display.

5. Precision: normal range CV% ≤3.0

6. Temperature Accuracy: ± 1 ℃

7. 390 mm×400 mm×135mm, 15kg.

8. Build-in printer with LCD display.

9. Parallel tests of random items in different channels.