How common is thrombosis by age?

Author: Succeeder    

Thrombosis is a solid substance condensed by various components in blood vessels. It can occur at any age, generally between 40-80 years old and above, especially middle-aged and elderly people aged 50-70. If there are high-risk factors, regular physical examination is recommended , processed in a timely manner.

Because the middle-aged and elderly people aged 40-80 and above, especially those aged 50-70, are prone to hyperlipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases, which may cause vascular damage, slow blood flow, and rapid blood coagulation, etc. High-risk factors that are prone to cause blood clots, so blood clots are more likely to occur. Although thrombosis is affected by age factors, it does not mean that young people will not have thrombosis. If young people have bad living habits, such as long-term smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., it will also increase the risk of thrombosis.

In order to prevent the occurrence of blood clots, it is recommended to develop good living habits and avoid alcoholism, overeating, and inactivity. If you already have an underlying disease, you must take the medicine on time as directed by the doctor, control the high-risk factors, and regularly review to minimize the incidence of blood clots and avoid inducing more serious diseases.