Five Ways to Prevent Thrombosis

Author: Succeeder    

Thrombosis is one of the most serious diseases in life. With this disease, patients and friends will have symptoms such as dizziness, weakness in hands and feet, and chest tightness and chest pain. If not treated in time, it will bring great harm to the health of patients and friends. Therefore, for the disease of thrombosis, it is very important to do the usual preventive work. So how to prevent thrombosis? You can start from the following aspects:

1. Drink more water: develop the good habit of drinking more water in daily life. Drinking water can reduce the concentration of blood, thereby effectively preventing the formation of blood clots. It is recommended to drink at least about 1L of water every day, which is not only conducive to blood circulation, but also reduces the viscosity of blood, thereby effectively preventing the occurrence of thrombosis.

2. Increase high-density lipoprotein intake: In daily life, high-density lipoprotein intake is mainly because high-density lipoprotein does not accumulate on the blood vessel wall, and it can dissolve low-density lipoprotein. , so that the blood becomes more smooth, so as to better prevent the formation of blood clots. High-density lipoprotein foods are more common: green beans, onions, apples and spinach and so on.

3. Participate in more exercise: Proper exercise can not only speed up blood circulation, but also make the blood viscosity very thin, so that adhesion will not occur, which can prevent blood clots. The more common sports include: cycling, square dancing, jogging, and Tai Chi.

4. Control sugar intake: In order to prevent the formation of blood clots, in addition to controlling the intake of fat, it is also necessary to control the intake of sugar. This is mainly because sugars are converted into fats in the body, increasing the viscosity of the blood, which can lead to the formation of blood clots.

5. Regular inspection: It is necessary to develop a good habit of regular inspection in life, especially some middle-aged and elderly people are prone to the disease of thrombosis. It is recommended to check once a year. Once you find symptoms of blood clots, you can go to the hospital for treatment in time.

The harm caused by the disease of thrombosis is relatively serious, not only can cause the occurrence of pulmonary thrombosis, but also may lead to pulmonary infarction. Therefore, patients and friends must pay attention to the disease of thrombosis, in addition to actively receiving treatment. At the same time, in daily life, it is very important for patients and friends to take the above preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of thrombosis.