• Kedu ọgwụgwọ kachasị mma maka thrombosis?

    Kedu ọgwụgwọ kachasị mma maka thrombosis?

    Ụzọ nke ikpochapụ thrombosis gụnyere ọgwụ thrombolysis, ọgwụgwọ ntinye aka, ịwa ahụ na ụzọ ndị ọzọ.A na-atụ aro ka ndị ọrịa n'okpuru nduzi nke dọkịta họrọ ụzọ kwesịrị ekwesị isi kpochapụ thrombus dịka ọnọdụ nke ha si dị, ka ...
  • Kedu ihe na-ebute ezigbo D-dimer?

    Kedu ihe na-ebute ezigbo D-dimer?

    A na-enweta D-dimer site na eriri fibrin jikọtara ya na plasmin gbazere.Ọ na-egosipụtakarị ọrụ lytic nke fibrin.A na-ejikarị ya na nchọpụta nke venous thromboembolism, thrombosis miri emi na pulmonary embolism na ụlọ ọgwụ.D-dimer qualitative...
  • Mmepe nke Coagulation Analyzer

    Mmepe nke Coagulation Analyzer

    Hụ ngwaahịa anyị SF-8300 zuru oke na-akpachapụ anya coagulation Analyzer SF-9200 Fully Automated Coagulation Analyzer SF-400 Semi Automated Coagulation Analyzer ... Pịa ebe a Gịnị bụ Coagulation Analyzer? A coagul...
  • Nomenclature of Clotting factor (ihe na-akpata coagulation)

    Nomenclature of Clotting factor (ihe na-akpata coagulation)

    Ihe na-eme ka ihe na-eme ka akpụkpọ ahụ dịkwuo mma bụ ihe ndị na-eme ka ahụ dị na plasma.E nyere aha ha aha n’aha n’ọnụ ọgụgụ ndị Rom n’usoro e si chọwa ha.Nọmba ihe na-emepụta ihe: I aha ihe mkpuchi: Fibrinogen Function: Clot formation Clotting factor n...
  • D-dimer dị elu ọ pụtara thrombosis?

    D-dimer dị elu ọ pụtara thrombosis?

    1. Plasma D-dimer assay bụ nyocha iji ghọta ọrụ fibrinolytic nke abụọ.Ụkpụrụ nyocha: Anti-DD monoclonal antibody na-ekpuchi n'elu akụkụ latex.Ọ bụrụ na enwere D-dimer na plasma onye na-anabata ya, mmeghachi omume antigen-antibody ga-eme, ụmụ irighiri ihe latex ga-akawanye njọ ...
  • Onye nyocha ESR dị elu nke nọchiri anya SD-1000

    Onye nyocha ESR dị elu nke nọchiri anya SD-1000

    Uru ngwaahịa: 1. Ọnụ ọgụgụ ndaba atụnyere usoro Westergren ọkọlọtọ karịrị 95%;2. Nnyocha induction fotoelectric, adịghị emetụta ụdị hemolysis, chyle, turbidity, wdg;3. Ọnọdụ ihe atụ 100 niile bụ nkwụnye na-egwu, na-akwado ...